Wiley Research Heroes Prize

Wiley Research Heroes Prize

Author: ChemistryViews

Do You Have a Colleague Who Inspires You?

Wiley is launching the Wiley Research Heroes Prize, a competition to celebrate researchers who go above and beyond their usual duties. The prize seeks nominations for individuals whose contributions make research more inclusive, innovative, and impactful. Whether it is someone who promotes Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, a colleague whose passion inspires others, or someone who tirelessly supports their peers, this opportunity aims to recognize researchers making a difference and highlight their contributions.


Prize and Nomination Details

  • Anyone can nominate or be nominated: Nominees do not need to have published with Wiley or be associated with a Wiley journal and can be at any career stage.
  • Prizes: Five winners from around the world will receive $2,000 USD or equivalent in their local currency.
  • To Nominate, complete a form sharing a short paragraph exlaining why the nominee deserves recognition.
  • Nominations close on October 15.


More Awards Open for Researcher Nominations:




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