Now celebrating its 10th anniversary …
…ChemCatChem has cemented its role as a leading catalysis journal. With a roughly 30% increase in full-text downloads compared to the previous year, ChemCatChem is a popular and authoritative publisher of cutting-edge catalysis research. And at approximately 44 days from submission to first publication online, it’s one of the quickest.
To mark the occasion ChemCatChem has created a Special Anniversary Issue in partnership with the International Symposium on the Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC 18), which was hosted by Prof. Thomas Maschmeyer and the Australian Catalysis Society in 2018. At 650 pages in length, this expansive Special Issue contains nearly 60 articles from more than 260 authors across diverse catalysis disciplines. The entire issue is free to access in 2019. Read Dr. Rowan’s editorial and an account of the journal’s history by ChemPubSoc Europe’s Executive Director Dr. Eva Wille.
To keep readers up to date with important topics in catalysis, ChemCatChem is publishing a range of Special Issues and Collections in collaboration with a number of world-leading guest editors.
ChemCatChem is delighted to announce the publication of their Special Issue dedicated to the “Women of Catalysis” in August 2019. Aimed at highlighting the achievements of female-led catalysis research groups, this Special Issue is guest-edited by Professors Deryn E. Fogg, Petra de Jongh, and Li-Zhu Wu. Some fine examples of the best research developed by women in the field are already available in a dedicated section of the journal’s website.
Catalysis has had a transformative power over the quality of human life, from fuels and materials to pharmaceuticals. However, the synthetic processes that produce these useful chemicals are now operating at a scale that creates environmental and economic challenges. ChemCatChem addresses this subject in relation to pharmaceuticals in a Special Issue titled “Sustainable and Affordable Chemistry to Meet Future Challenges in the Pharmaceutical Industry“, which is guest-edited by Dr. Sachin Handa, Dr. Fabrice Gallou, Dr. Wilfried Braje, and Prof. Wenjun Tang.
ChemCatChem showcases research at the frontiers of homogeneous catalysis in a Special Issue titled “New Concepts in Homogeneous Catalysis“. Guest-edited by Prof. Lutz Ackermann and Prof. Jean-Baptiste Sortais, this Special Issue aims at revealing how homogeneous catalysis can meet and overcome challenges in fields as broad as the valorization of biomass, the formation of advanced plastics, the synthesis of sustainable fuels, the step-economical preparation of novel materials, and renewable energy; thanks to advances in areas such as supramolecular, photoredox- and electro-catalysis, along with the development of catalysts based on earth-abundant transition metals and main-group elements.
ChemCatChem has a history of highlighting the tremendous efforts of the characterization community. Guest-edited by Doctors Jun Huang and Ayman Karim, “Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy for Catalysis” revolves around the use of microscopy and spectroscopy to clarify the questions that catalysis throws up. ChemCatChem is interested in your submission, whether it describes a new cutting- edge piece of equipment or a new and clever way to use older technology.
The topic of energy and how it relates to the modern economy is the focus of parallel Special Issues in ChemCatChem‘s project “Building a New Energy Economy”. ChemCatChem will cover two main topics “Photocatalysis: From Solar Power to Sustainable Chemical Production” and “Electrocatalysis: From Batteries to Clean Energy Conversion”.
In a follow up to their highly successful issue (12/2017) on the “French Conference on Catalysis”, the organizers of the French Conference on Catalysis 2019 (FCCat; 3–7 June, Frejus, France) are guest-editing a Special Issue to highlight the excellence of French Catalysis. Contributions are welcome that deal with bio-, homogeneous, and heterogeneous catalysis, from upstream research on catalytic mechanisms to catalytic process design.
In collaboration with the organizers of BioTrans 2019 (7–11 June, Groningen, the Netherlands), ChemCatChem has launched their “Biocatalysis” Special Collection. This collection spans various cutting-edge topics in the field, from reprogramming synthetic biology and redesign of natural enzymes, to development of new (chemo)enzymatic cascades and novel classes of artificial enzymes.
Dr. Rowan is available to discuss your catalysis research at conferences throughout the year. Meet him in person at the 20th IUPAC International Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOS 20; July 21–25, Heidelberg, Germany) and at Europcat 2019 (18–23 August, Aachen, Germany). Alternatively, get in touch with one of ChemCatChem‘s Chairpersons at numerous events throughout the year: Professors Hermenegildo García (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain), A. Stephen K. Hashmi (Universität Heidelberg, Germany), and Wolfgang Kroutil (Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz, Austria).
Visit ChemCatChem‘s homepage and Twitter profile for regular updates.
A platform for women in chemistry and catalysis
Historically, women have had limited recognition and representation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Hearteningly, more is being done to address inequality in these fields today and, in chemistry in particular, talented women have more opportunities to take up well-deserved positions as world class researchers.
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) recognizes that female chemists still face bias in their place of work. As such, the organization launched the initiative Global Women’s Breakfast—a networking event for female scientists—to help get women talking about their experiences. ChemCatChem was proud to host one such breakfast in Weinheim, Germany, on the 12th of February. Female scientists at different stages of their careers, from Masters through to Principal Investigators, met at the publisher’s headquarters for a morning of presentations and discussions with in-house editors. Read about the event in ChemViews Magazine.
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Caption: Attendees of the IUPAC Women’s Breakfast hosted by ChemCatChem. Photo credit: Mario Müller. |
One attendee remarked: “I believe that promoting equality of every kind in science is a very important issue. Even though things have gotten much better in the last decades, female scientists still often have to battle against a bias, be it explicit or implicit, of their male colleagues and disadvantages in network building. The Women’s Breakfast was an excellent idea to help us overcome some of these issues.”
Now celebrating its fifth anniversary …
… ChemElectroChem has emerged as a highly competitive electrochemistry journal. In 2018, the journal saw an approximate 35% growth in submissions and full text downloads compared to 2017, and in 2019, ChemElectroChem is on track to overtake previous records.
The journal prides itself on showcasing the best of multidisciplinary research in electrochemistry, and where better to sample the crème de la crème of the electrochemistry community than in ChemElectroChem‘s first issue for 2019. This Special Anniversary Issue is free to read in 2019; it contains 38 contributions—all of which have been authored by the journal’s Editorial Advisory Board—covering subjects ranging from bioelectrocatalysis, biosensing, organic electrochemistry, and microfluidics, to biomass valorization, batteries, solar fuels, and more. Read Dr. Lawrence’s editorial.
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Kate Lawrence works closely with ChemElectroChem‘s Chairpersons, Professors Flavio Maran (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy), Bing-Wei Mao (Xiamen University, China), and Wolfgang Schuhmann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany), to maintain the high scientific quality and relevance of the journal.
Maran says: “ChemElectroChem has already established itself, in an unprecedented very short time, as the ideal platform where scientists can publish important papers in all branches of electrochemistry…”
In 2019 readers can look forward to multidisciplinary Special Collection on Trends in Synthetic Diamond for Electrochemical Applications (guest-edited by Professors Carlos A. Martínez-Huitle, Enric Brillas, Yasuaki Einaga, and James Farrell) and on Bioelectrochemistry (guest-edited by Professors Wolfgang Schuhmann, Tomokazu Matsue, and José Pingarrón). The challenging field of Organic Electrosynthesis will be explored in a Special Issue (16/2019) guest-edited by Professors Robert Francke, Dan Little, and Shinsuke Inagi).
ChemElectroChem is preparing a Special Collection in conjunction with the Italian Electrochemical Division to mark the occasion of the 21st Italian Electrochemical Meeting (GEI 2019) in Padova, Italy, from 8–12 September. Guest Editors for this issue are Prof. Flavio Maran, Dr. Christian Durante (meeting organizer), and Dr. Claudio Gerbaldi (member of the scientific committee).
Dr. Lawrence will attend GEI 2019 and the 70th Annual International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) Meeting in Durban, South Africa from 4–9 August. Meet her at either conference to find out more about your publishing opportunities in ChemElectroChem.
Visit ChemElectroChem‘s homepage and Twitter profile.
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