A growing collection of articles on the Periodic Table.

In the 1920s the periodic system turned out to be a macroscopic representation of the internal structure of the atoms – making it as much about physics as it is about chemistry

English chemist who contributed to the development of the periodic table and the concept of valence

German chemist and physician developed one of the first periodic tables of chemical elements

The chronology of the discovery of the elements is a textbook example of scientific development

All 92 naturally occurring elements were identified in Europe while the artificial elements were mostly discovered in the USA

The exciting discovery of an unbelievable element, described in an article dated April 1, 1890
Rethinking the Periodic Table

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table is, for many, the symbol of chemistry but is the current layout the best one?

An interactive introduction to the building blocks of matter for children of all ages

Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table

Do you know the places after which various chemical elements were named?

Can you answer these questions about the periodic table of the elements?

Who is the first person to have an element named after them in their lifetime? And who is the second?
Heavy Elements

The element darmstadtium (Ds) was first created on November 9, 1994, at the Institute for Heavy Ion Research (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany

C. E. Düllmann, GSI Darmstadt, gives insight into the chemistry of short-lived, superheavy atoms

M. Block, GSI Darmstadt, gives an insight into the physics of short-lived, superheavy atoms

The synthesis of heavy elements

The phenomenon of periodicity is particularly clear in the melting points of the elements

Ionic radii vary with coordination number, spin state, and other parameters but periodic trends can be recognized

Atomic radii of the main group elements vary in a predictable and explicable manner across the periodic table
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Beer owes its wonderful taste to a great deal of chemistry—a compilation of articles, videos, quizzes on chemistry related to beer

Fireworks, sparklers, sparkling wine, champagne, … there is chemistry involved everywhere
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