Swiss Snow Symposium 2025

Swiss Snow Symposium 2025

This symposium includes 3 days of lectures, short talks, and poster sessions as well as being balanced with social snow activities such as skiing and sledging. The event will be a chance for early career researchers to share their science experience, network with senior colleagues and other participants, and have fun. The symposium is aimed to get young researchers to establish connections, share their passion for chemistry, and advance their career with the aid of renowned researchers and industrial partners.



  • Prof. Michel Rickhaus, UniGE
  • Prof. Patrick Steinegger, ETHZ
  • Prof. Nako Nakatsuka, EPFL
  • Justine Charmillot, Bloom Biorenewables

Industrial Partners

  • Arxada
  • Bloom Biorenewables


  • Cedric Invernizzi, Spiez Laboratory
  • Marton Kottmayer, EuChemS


Event Details

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