Bayer to appeal against recent General Court verdict on neonicotinoids - a class of neuro-active insecticides

Bayer Goes Against EU Judgment

Protect Animals from Parasites
Bayer Animal Health and Mitsui Chemicals Agro sign global license agreement

Bayer Closes Monsanto Acquisition
Largest acquisition in the company’s history

Bayer-Monsanto Deal Nearly Done
U.S. Department of Justice approves Bayer’s proposed acquisition of Monsanto

EU Bans Neonicotinoids
According to critics this is a bad development for the European agricultural sector and the environment

Sustainable Agriculture of the Future
Bayer’s global ForwardFarming initiative expands network to North America with the launch of its first U.S. farm

New Fungicide
Bayer and Mitsui Chemicals Agro sign licence agreement for novel fungicide

Bayer’s Greenhouse for Insecticide Research
Investment of around EUR 45 million to improves ability to develop new selective insecticides

Bayer Shares Safety Data
Bayer launched a website to enable access to scientific data needed for the evaluation of plant protection products

Mega-Mergers of 2017
The four largest transactions had a value of US$ 40 to 70 billion each