Magnetic nanoparticles with ionic liquids for clean water

Water Purification and Microplastics Removal

Smallest Water Nanodroplet in Which Ice Can Form
Liquid–ice transition loses its sharp character

Plastic Particles in Coastal Ocean Sediments
Plastic deposited on the sea floor has increased in parallel to worldwide plastic production over the period since World War II

Engaging the Next Generation
Experiment competition organized by the International Younger Chemists' Network (IYCN) to create material for outreach

How To Remove Disinfection Byproducts from Pools
Different combinations of water treatment processes tested under controlled conditions

How Much Plastics Ends Up in the Environment Every Year?
Emissions of macro- and microplastics in Switzerland calculated

Detection of Lead Ions via Smartphone
Visual analysis of lead ions in water samples

O–H Groups as Anion Recognition Motifs
Two easily prepared hydroxy‐containing compounds bind mono‐ and divalent anions

Freezing Behavior of 2D Ice Crystals
Molecular dynamics simulations show that 2D ice has a different freezing behavior than bulk ice

Simultaneous Nitrate and Hardness Removal from WasteWater
Effective treatment with microorganisms