Visible-light catalysis, using silver chloride nanowires decorated with gold nanoparticles, may decompose organic molecules in polluted water

Silver and Gold

Global Water Shortages Threatens Business
A new report warns that global water shortages are an increasing threat to businesses.

South Africa's Wastewater Systems
A report was released how well the wastewater systems of the country are functioning.

Druggy Parisians
Wastewater analysis in Paris hints at high levels of cocaine abuse in the city but low levels of ecstasy, amphetamines, and opiates.

GDCh Prize Nominations Open
Who has made a significant contribution to chemistry? The call for tenders for the 2011 GDCh prizes is now open.

The Future Builds on the Past
New online platform, brought to you by ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH!

What's Lurking in the Mississippi?
Dioxins in general are shown to be decreasing, those derived from triclosan are increasing in Mississippi sediments.

Detecting Trace Hydrocarbons in Water
A newly-developed device detects low concentrations in water sources suspected of contamination.

3rd EuCheMS Congress
Chemistry – A Creative Force. European chemical societies invite chemists from all backgrounds to a multidisipinary conference.

Frontiers of Chemistry – Virtual Event
Nobel Laureate Presentations Available On-Demand