Chemistry conferences like the Football Champions League? The organizers of the 3rd EuCheMS Congress think so

Chemistry – The Creative Force

Oil-Eating Bacteria in Gulf of Mexico
Hydrocarbon-digesting microorganisms colonizing underwater plumes - help or new risks for the Gulf of Mexico's ecosystem

Water Supply Risk Analysis
Risk analyst Maplecroft has evaluated the water security of 165 countries and rated the supply of clean water to societies and business

Do Biocides Affect Microbial Fuel Cells?
Biofilm-based microbial fuel cells' responses to biocides tested with antibiotics, heavy metals and disinfectants

Most Accessed Articles: July 2010
Read the most-accessed ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journal articles for July 2010

Novel Reaction Coupling
Effective coupling of two chemical reactions in one apparatus leads to simultaneously production of hydrogen and ethylene

It’s Not Rocket Science
Bacteria that produce nitrous oxide and methane in sewage sludge could soon be powering rocket thrusters

Summer School Success
Organized by the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia with support from RSEQ, the ICIQ summer school once again proved successful

Sugar Battles Oil Spills
Gelators based on natural sugar compounds bind oil on water surfaces

Purely Nano
Water treatment devices that incorporate nanoscale materials are already available and the need for clean water is pressing