Direct, label-free detection of cholera toxin is now possible thanks to the development of microfluidics analytical device in Italy

Micro Test Kit for Cholera

Searching for Xmas Presents?
Editors recommend Christmas presents with a scientific flavor ...

Lotus Effect at High Pressures
High-pressure-driven flows destabilize lotus effect of superhydrophobic surfaces, but new method sustains three times the liquid pressure

Combating Old Man Winter
Physics helps to get rid of snow and ice in the winter ΜΆ but chemistry is more efficient

Mess-ter Comic β Initiation
A comic series by Sophie Lin: In part 4 she searches for the initiator of her polymerization

Mineral Source Water From Deep Sea Water
Preparation of mineral source water from deep sea water: Reduction of sulfate ion using selemion ASV membrane

Water Purification with Magnetite
Magnetite nanoparticles show promise for the removal of Ni and other metal ions from wastewater

Hydrogen Production From Water Splitting
Polycrystalline CuInS2 films fabricated by sulfurization of electrodeposited Cu and In form precursor films for H2O splitting

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Self-Powered Desalination
New desalination device simultaneously removes salt and produces enough hydrogen to power itself and other devices