Polyacrylonitrile membrane loaded with a metal–organic framework cleans oily wastewater

Membrane Separates Oil from Water and Removes Heavy Metals

Your Chemistry Hero
Who do you admire in chemistry? What makes a hero for you? – anniversary contest for August

Does Water Have a Second Critical Point?
Computations give evidence for a metastable liquid-liquid critical point at supercooled conditions

What Happens When You Pee in the Pool?
The video looks at the chemistry involved when urinating in a chlorinated pool

Selective Removal of Vanadium Oxyanions from Water
Electrochemical platform for selective recovery of toxic metal

Better Than Cyclodextrins
Molecular containers for the sequestration of neurotransmitter drugs in water

Polymer-Film Heat Exchangers Improve Seawater Desalination
Thin polymeric heat exchanger layers decrease fouling

How Will Science Change?
Share your ideas and opinions on how you see science changing after the pandemic - anniversary contest for July

Happy Birthday ChemistryViews!
Launched on this day ten years ago in Paris by 16 European chemical societies - Celebrate with us and have the chance to win prizes

Repurposing Tires for Wastewater Cleaning
Pyrolysis char from tires can be used to remove phenolic contaminants from water