Team Caja Desal talk about their humidification-dehumidification design for the TUM DeSal Challenge
DeSal Challenge: Team Caja Desal
DeSal Challenge: Team Zyklon
Team Zyklon talk about their humidification-dehumidification design for the TUM DeSal Challenge
Building Desalination Plants with DeSal Organizer A. Kroiß
Alex Kroiß, organizer of the DeSal Challenge, Munich, Germany, discusses the event and what inspired him to get involved
DeSal Challenge: Team Salinensklaven
Team Salinensklaven talk about their Stirling engine-based design for the TUM DeSal Challenge
DeSal Challenge: Team SDS pty
Team SDS pty talk about their improved solar still design for the TUM DeSal Challenge
DeSal Challenge: Team KJ5
Team KJ5 talk about their dual-function design for the TUM DeSal Challenge
DeSal Challenge: Team Ikarus 2.0
Team Ikarus 2.0 talk about their two-step distillation process for the TUM DeSal Challenge
DeSal Challenge: Team Steam
Team Steam, winners of the TUM DeSal Challenge, talk about their tube-within-a-tube design
Desalination in the Rain: The 2011 TUM DeSal Challenge
The DeSal Challenge at the Technical University Munich provided new ideas for desalination and much fresh water despite the rain
DeSal Challenge: Team ROhr
Team ROhr talk about their hand pump-powered design for the TUM DeSal Challenge