Latest results for the predictions for the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Saturday 1 October

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Friday 23 September
Results for Friday 23 September of predictions for the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Make your predictions for the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry here

Inexhaustible Supply of H2
Combining reverse-electrodialysis and exoelectrogenic bacteria could provide inexhaustible H2 source while cleaning wastewater

Winner of H2O Mach's Bunt School Competition
Winners of the H2O mach's bunt school competition choosen

Rapid Toxic Metal Detection
Highly porous magnetic microspheres mop up toxic metals for rapid detection of contaminated drinking water

Do You Fit The Angewandte Mold?
Do all chemists like sushi? Do they have a typical hobby? And if so, what is it? ChemViews finds out ...

Top Universities in the World
Cambridge University, UK, has topped a league table of the world's best universities, with Harvard and MIT, USA, ranked second and third

ACS Meeting Denver: R. Zare on China
Richard Zare, Stanford University, USA, discusses his editorial on why the West should help China develop its science

Wolfram Koch on the GDCh’s Top Event
Wolfram Koch, Executive Director, GDCh, talks about the up-coming Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2011 in Bremen, Germany