Transformation partnership project EMerging POllutants in Water and WastewatER in Tunisia initiates intercultural scientific dialogue

EM-PO-W-ER Tunisia

New Desalination Era
Japanese Mega-ton project is aiming to develop the world's first megaton per day desalination plant

Wastewater and Antibiotic Resistance
Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on antibiotic resistance in agricultural soils

Nobel Prize Reduced to Safeguard Long-Term Capital
Size of the Nobel Prize is being reduced by 20 % to safeguard long-term capital

Fast Track to Latest Research
Early View articles of 170 peer-reviewed chemistry journals — keep yourself easily up-to-date about the latest findings in your field

Reactivity at Air-Water Interface
Chemical properties at the air-water interface of the atmospherically important free radicals were investigated by computer simulations

Accurately Predicting Fouling Situations
Fluorescence-based fouling prediction and optimization of a membrane filtration process for drinking water treatment

Sea-Level Rise Connected to Groundwater Use
Model estimates of sea-level change due to anthropogenic impacts on terrestrial water storage performed Second Anniversary
Celebrating two exciting and successful years – looking back on what we've achieved and forward to your feedback and a great third year

Combined European Chemical And Water Strategy
SusChem and WssTP formalize their long-standing alliance for the benefit of sound water management in Europe