Finnish Outotec Oyj will build the largest sewage-sludge thermal-treatment plant in Switzerland

Largest Sewage-Sludge Thermal-Treatment Plant in Switzerland

Increased Deep-sea Pollution
The sea bed in the Arctic deep sea is increasingly strewn with litter and plastic waste

Climate Change Shrinks Fish
Warming and reduced oxygen will reduce body size of marine fish

Water and Its Sustainable Management in Latin America
Six Latin-American partners in an international project discuss what is going on in Latin America in terms of sustainable water management

Drinking Air Moisture
New pumping device makes use of air moisture to gain potable water

Smallest Possible Ice Crystal
Scientists determined the smallest possible ice crystal providing crucial information for resolving the crystallization mechanism of water

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Make your predictions for the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry here

Oreganum Stalks as New Biosorbent
Oreganum onites L. stalks used as adsorbent for removal of acidic and basic dyes from water

Winner of Chemistry Jokes Voting
The favorite joke of ChemistryViews readers is so simple, it's basic ...

Droplet Growth Depends on Size
Smallest droplets grow notably faster compared to their larger siblings