Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table

Chemical Poems: Roentgenium

Oil/Water Separation Using a Switchable Mesh
Copper mesh with pH-switchable wettability can be used for on-demand oil/water separation

French Young Chemists’ Network Created
France's regional young chemist groups decided to work together in order to be stronger and more visible

Purify Wastewater Though Freezing
Experiments to develop an energy-efficient wastewater purification method

150th Anniversary: Kekulé's Benzene Structure
Kekulé's groundbreaking idea was published in 1865

Sodalite has a cubic crystal structure; answer to Guess the Mineral

A Sponge to Clean Up Oil Spills
Hydrophobic, oleophilic, and highly porous carbon-silica sponge is capable of adsorbing up to 140 times its own weight of oil

Most Accessed Articles: December 2014
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals for December 2014

Water Capture by Porous Carbon
Ultra-hydrophilic porous carbon cuboids exhibit a record performance for atmospheric water capture

Easy Splitting of Water
Water can be easily splitted by using a simple Ni@NC paper electrocatalyst