Team The Thin Distillery explain their modified solar still
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016: Team The Thin Distillery
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016: Team Helios
Team Helios explain their solar evaporation plant
Phosphorus from Wastewater
Market-ready system recovers phosphate fertilizer from wastewater for direct use in agriculture
A Sea Full of Plastic Particles
Study of plastic waste fragments in the North Atlantic gives clues to their origin and fate
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016 – Progress Update
Preparing for the finals of TUM's student competition on seawater desalination
Polyethylene Bags for Water Disinfection
In solar water disinfection (SODIS), bags are more efficient than bottles
Favorite Science Moments – Photo & Video Competition
You are invited to submit your favorite picture or video taken in your lab
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016 – First Experiences
Student competition on seawater desalination
Hybrid Material Removes Arsenic from Water
Iron oxide nanoparticles in MOF host show excellent affinity towards As(III) and As(V) species
Removing Heavy Metals with Hydrogels
Poly(vinyl) alcohol and carboxymethylcellulose composite hydrogels adsorb heavy metals ions