Composite nanofiltration membranes may decrease costs and environmental impact of biodiesel purification

Streamlined Biodiesel Purification

Blankets for Easier Snow Removal
Thermally absorptive sheets could save money and energy

Chinese Lanterns/中国灯笼
In the traditional Chinese calendar, the year of the Dog starts today

Catalysis for Sustainable Chemistry
Lutz Ackermann, University of Göttingen, Germany, talks about his research in catalysis and organic synthesis

Efficient Synthesis of Dicyanofurans from Biomass
Sustainable pathway to useful chemical building blocks

Most Accessed Articles: January 2018
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Open Database for Improved Hydrogen Production
Multiscale model on alcohol reforming

Wiley-CST Green Chemistry Award 2017
Supawadee Namuangruk, National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC), Klong Nueng, Thailand, honored

Guess the Chemist (74)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

The Air that I Breathe – Part 4
Man as a source of substances, life on Mars, and what to learn from movies