Can you guess the fictional scientist from the description?

Guess the Character (7)

Summer Reading 2018
Entertaining science-related books and podcast episodes recommended by editors

Guess the Chemist (80)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Microplastics Release Greenhouse Gases
Plastic waste is a hitherto underestimated source of climate-relevant gases

2018 Heat in Northern Europe
Connection between the highest temperatures so far in Northern Europe and climate change

Improved Polymers for Photocatalytic Water Splitting
Influence of heteroatoms on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution studied

Rapid Hydrogen Evolution using Oxidized Quantum Dots
Improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution using CdS quantum dots

Bayer Goes Against EU Judgment
Bayer to appeal against recent General Court verdict on neonicotinoids - a class of neuro-active insecticides

Making Fuels from Waste Plastic
Neste aims to use waste plastic as a raw material for fuels and plastics

Investing in Human Biomonitoring
New analysis methods for substances to which the population is potentially exposed