Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 21/2019: Cascading Chemistry

"Crab-on-a-Tree" Coating for Food Packaging
Sustainable, optically transparent coating acts as oxygen barrier

Carbon Dioxide Reduction Inspired by Nature
Tunable syngas production from carbon dioxide and water with artificial photosynthetic cells

Bayer Unsure of Support of Shareholders
Controversy over Monsanto's legacy: Some shareholders might vote against current management at annual stockholders' meeting

Reducing the Arsenic Content of Parboiled Rice
Simple change in the order of processing steps reduces inorganic arsenic content by 25 %

Water Electrolysis with Earth-Abundant Elements
Manganese oxides with stable potential windows for long-term water electrolysis

Getting More from Cellulose: Acid-Catalyzed Formation of Furan-Type Compounds
Cellulose and cellobiose can be converted to furanoids in the presence of the ionic liquid zinc chloride hydrate and anisole

Aircraft Fuel from Plant Waste
New process converts cellulose to high-density aviation fuel

Atmospheric Research in a Passenger Aircraft
Yafang Cheng, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, uses a passenger aircraft for comprehensive scientific research

Bacteria Turn Drugs or Personal Care Products into Contaminants
Potentially bioactive transformation products in the environment