ECHA to raise minimum target for compliance checks of registration dossiers in each tonnage band to 20 %

More Checks for REACH Registrations

Research and Art Benefit from Each Other
Experiences with an art exhibition held at SETAC Europe’s Annual Meeting in Helsinki, Finland

LyondellBasell and Neste Produce Bio-based Plastic from Renewable Materials
First production of bio-based polypropylene and bio-based low-density polyethylene simultaneously at commercial scale

Greener Dimethyl Ether (DME) Production
BASF and Lutianhua plan to pilot a production process that significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions

Bisphenol A and Parabens in Socks for Babies
91 % of tested socks contain bisphenol A; ethyl-paraben was found in 100 % of socks

Bayer to Invest EUR 5 Billion in Crop Protection Research
Company aims to reduce environmental impact, increase innovations, and partner with experts and stakeholders

How Much CO2 Does a Bitcoin Need?
Power consumption and carbon dioxide emissions of the cryptocurrency calculated based on public data

Risks and Benefits of Nanomaterials in Agriculture
Balance between safety and improved crop production needed, according to review

Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts Can Be Used for Organic Reactions
Cobalt bis-iminopyridines electrocatalyze the reduction of acetonitrile to ethylamine

BASF and NGK Partner to Sell Stationary Energy Storage Batteries
NGK's stationary sodium-sulfur-based (NAS) batteries are commercialized megawatt-class batteries for long-time energy storage