Innovation award honors new catalyst and steam-reforming process which reduces CO2 emissions

Linde/BASF Cooperation Wins ICIS Award

First Commercial Cellulose Ethanol Plant in China
Clariant and Anhui Guozhen and Chemtex announce license agreement on sunliquid® cellulosic ethanol technology in China

Scan4Chem App Checks Substances in Products
Free app for requesting information on harmful chemicals in products like clothing, sports equipment, toys

Main-Group Metal-Catalyzed Imine Hydrosilylation
Reduction of imines with phenylsilane using potassium-, calcium-, and strontium-based catalysts

Happy New Year!
The team of wishes you a peaceful, healthy, and successful New Year 2020

Reusable Bamboo Cups Release Dangerous Chemicals into Coffee
High levels of formaldehyde and melamine released into hot liquids

Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg has been named Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2019

Understanding How Cobalt Complexes Reduce CO2
Identifying bottlenecks could improve catalytic performance

Pathways toward Post-Petrochemistry
Electroreduction of carbon monoxide for the highly selective production of ethylene

Ternary Polymer Solar Cell with Boosted Performance
Small molecule increases efficiency and stability of polymer solar cell