Tuning oxygen species on the surface for improving photocatalytic hydrogen production

Improved Carbon Nitride for H2 Evolution

Mechanochemical Synthesis of meso-Substituted BODIPYs
Ball-mill-activated Liebeskind–Srogl cross-coupling reaction

Batteries that Harvest Sunlight
Aqueous zinc-ion battery can be recharged by light—without external solar cells

Regulation Drives Replacement of Harmful Chemicals
Reports look at how EU's REACH regulation drives substitution

60th Birthday: Ferdi Schüth
Catalysis researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany

Guess the Chemist (103)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

LGBTQ+ in STEM: Visibility and Beyond
How scientists work hand-in-hand with their institutes to promote diversity and inclusivity

Towards A Greenhouse Gas Neutral German Chemistry
Chemistry4Climate of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) started its work

Large-Scale Synthesis of Horse-Chestnut Leaf-Miner Pheromone
Green iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction gives product for pest control

A Better Understanding of Plastics Is Necessary
Plastics fulfill important tasks in society and must continue to do so in the future—but in a sustainable way