Bio-based plasticizers with an attractive solution temperature and good compatibility with PVC

Sustainable Plasticizers from Renewable Feedstocks

Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Using NiFe (Hydr)oxide Nanoparticles
Closely coupled graphene support promotes the oxygen evolution activity of ultrasmall NiFeO nanoparticles

Most Accessed Articles: November 2021
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Simple Plutonium Recovery from Waste Solutions
Two-step approach for treatment of aqueous carbonate waste solutions

Solar-Driven Autonomous Chemical Mini-Plant
Photochemical platform ensures off-grid production of chemicals under fluctuating light

Environmentally Friendly Hydrophobic Sponges for Oil Removal
Chitosan-based sponges grafted with β-cyclodextrin, citronellal, and palmitic acid

How Much Do Vehicles Contribute to Urban NH3 Pollution?
Lockdowns during the pandemic provided an opportunity to study the impact of transportation

Angewandte Chemie 51/2021: Design Strategies
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Formulation for 3D-Printed Meat Alternatives
Soy- and wheat-based proteins shaped with the help of cocoa butter

Ammonia from Pig Farm Air Turned into Fertilizer
Synthesis of ammonium bicarbonate on copper-substituted Prussian-blue analogue