Chemistry Europe announces the launch of its new flagship journal

Launch of Chemistry Europe, a New Fully Open Access Journal

2022 — A Crucial Year for the Process Industry
ACHEMA, the world's leading trade fair for the process industry, life again in Frankfurt and is all about sustainability

Economical Production of a Biobased PET Alternative
Efficient titanium-based catalyst used to produce polyethylene furandicarboxylate (PEF)

Angewandte Chemie 34/2022: Boosting Yields
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Most Accessed Articles: July 2022
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Electrochemical Upgrading of Formic Acid to Formamide
Sustainable approach for adding value to CO2-derived feedstocks

An Azothiophene‐Based Molecular Solar Thermal System
Controlling the energy release from solar energy storage

Finding Success with a Waterproof Wood Composite
Petro Lahtinen, founder and CEO of Woodio, considers chemical entrepreneurship to be less risky than pursuing an academic career

Why Is Natural Gas so Important for the Chemical Industry?
Hardly any other industry needs as much gas as the chemical industry; this Clever Picture explains why

Environmentally Friendly Seaweed-Derived Sound Absorbers
Agar-based composite films as biodegradable alternatives to plastic foams