Biocatalysis – special issue of ChemCatChem edited by Prof. Uwe Bornscheuer, Prof. Andreas Liese, and Prof. Garabed Antranikian

Highlights in Biocatalysis

It’s Not Rocket Science
Bacteria that produce nitrous oxide and methane in sewage sludge could soon be powering rocket thrusters

Summer School Success
Organized by the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia with support from RSEQ, the ICIQ summer school once again proved successful

Sugar Battles Oil Spills
Gelators based on natural sugar compounds bind oil on water surfaces

Matthias Beller Awarded
Matthias Beller will be presented with the first European Sustainable Chemistry Award for his work in the field of homogeneous catalysis

New CO2 Capture Technology
Transfer of new technology for a CO2 capture process to an operating gas processing facility is to reduce energy and operating costs

Trends in Green Energy
Renewables accounted for 60 % of newly installed capacity in Europe and over 50 % of US added capacity in 2009

ChemPubSoc Europe Impact Factors
The results are in – ChemPubSoc Europe's journals all have impact factors to be excited about

Biogas-Upgrading Project in China
Xebec will build system to purify landfill gas at a municipal landfill located in Changsha County, Hunan Province, P.R. China

Cooling System for Microreactors
Continuous-flow conditions in the microscale and cooling with heat pipes can avoid out-of-control processing