Capture of NO2 in metal-organic framework (MOF) followed by subsequent reaction with organic building blocks

Nitro Compounds from Captured NO2

Sustainable and Selective Propanol Production
Continuous flow conversion of glycerol over bifunctional catalysts

A Big Step for CO2 Reduction and Career
M. Fricke and R. Subrahmanyam on their 100 % bio-based insulating lignin aerogel and their BASF spin-off

Multienzymatic Catalysis for Lignin Depolymerization
Multistep system cleaves non-phenolic β-O-4 aryl ether bonds in lignin

Fluorescence-Based Analysis Used to Measure Recycled Plastic Content
Aggregation of fluorescent tag enables quantitative tracking of recycled material

Lignin-Derived Oligomers Created by Controlled Pyrolysis of Wood
Pyrolysis of softwood in an aprotic solvent with a hydrogen donor

Climate Change Is Not Due to Failing Technology
Thoughts on the Anthropocene and the transformation into a good Anthropocene

Cobalt Molybdenum Nitride on Nanosheets for Seawater Splitting
Simple synthesis approach based on a sacrificial metal–organic framework template

Angewandte Chemie 38/2022: Enhanced Stability
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Fuel from a Greenhouse Gas
Single gold atoms catalyze the selective methanization of carbon dioxide