A comic series by Sophie Lin: In part 3 she depicts how chemistry can sometimes surprise you
Mess-ter Comic – ROP is Easy!
CO2 Capture
Canadian researchers provide deeper insights into CO2 capture, "seeing" the exact sites where CO2 is held in capture material
Vital Italian Inorganic Chemistry!
Report from the Italian Inorganic Chemistry Congress in Trieste
Revised Climate Model
Climate models underestimate ozone levels shows the determination of the rate constant of atmospheric nitric acid formation
Urban Grime in Local Air Quality
In the presence of solar light and photosensitizer, nitrate may actively contribute to the photochemical pollution
Fraunhofer Awarded
Fraunhofer is rewarded with the European Innovation Price for developing new solar cells (metamorphic triple-junction solar cells)
Catalytic Dyeing Process
Aluminum catalyst directly incorporated dye into polymer to produce homogeneous color at reduced environmental cost
DBU’s German Environmental Award
Most lucrative environmental prize in Europe awarded; special prize goes to Mikhail Gorbachev
Store the Sun's Heat
Storing thermal energy in chemical could lead to advances in storage and portability
Algae Powered Gunboat
US Navy completes successfully testing of river-based command boat run on alternative fuels