Efficient solid oxide cells could provide solution to the problem of electrical energy storage facing the renewable supply industry

Green Solid Oxide Cells

M. Bahadir on Sustainable Water Management
Müfit Bahadir speaks about sustainable global water management, student mobility, international cooperations and the Exceed Project

Aromatics at a Pinch
Some of the most important feedstock chemicals, aromatic hydrocarbons, made in in high yield with 'pincer'-ligated Ir catalysts

Finnair to Switch to Renewable Fuels
The Finnish airline Finnair Oy has announced its intention to move towards fuels made from renewable sources

Adding Value to Biodiesel By-Products
Iron and vanadium-based catalyst converts the major by-product of biodiesel production into acrylic acid and acrolein

Angewandte Author Profiles
Xiaoming Feng, Laurent Maron, Hsiang-Rong Tseng, and François P. Gabbaï, are interviewed this month

Landfill Leachate ̶ A Dangerous Liquid
When landfill waste degrades and rain rinses the resulting products out, a black liquid and toxic leachate is formed

Biphasic Biodiesel Production System
Oil/ionic liquid system overcomes problems of enzymatic biodiesel production, giving 98 % yields

J. M. Thomas Delivers Third Gerhard Ertl Lecture
Sir John Meurig Thomas, University of Cambridge, UK, has delivered the third annual Gerhard Ertl Lecture in Berlin, Germany

Continuous Flow Reactor for Coupling Reactions
Copper flow reactor removes need for additional reagents for Cu-based coupling reactions