Earth's atmosphere seems less sensitive to pollutants than previously thought: concentration of pollutant-degrading hydroxyl radicals remains stable worldwide
Atmosphere Less Sensitive to Pollutants?
Experience New On-Screen Journal Browsing
Selected Wiley-VCH chemistry journals now available for browsing on screen
Thirdhand Smoke — Big Health Hazard
Nicotine interacts with ozone, in indoor air, to form potentially toxic pollutants on surfaces like cellulose, cotton, and paper
Blog: Post-doc in Paris 5
What is a Post-Doc in Paris like? Tibiriçá Gonçalves Vasconcelos talks about new experiences in his Blog. Part 5
Angewandte's Top Authors
Authors who published 20 or more articles in Angewandte Chemie between 2000 and 2010, and the countries they come from
Wonderlab Comic — Safety Policy
A new comic series by Sophie Lin: Sophie and her lab mate disagree over correct safety procedures in the lab
Solar Cells: Enhanced Power Conversion
Multiple energy relay dyes incorporated into dye-sensitized solar cells enhance solar-to-electric power conversion by 35 %
Syngas from Water, CO2 and Sunlight
Catalytic cycle based on ceria redox reactions thermochemically splits water and CO2 using a novel solar cavity-receiver reactor
Iron for Cleaner Air
Removal of organic contaminants in air under ambient conditions achievable with partially dehydroxylated mesoporous iron oxide
Can Hydrogen Power the World?
A hydrogen economy is often proposed by media and scientists as the way out from fossil fuels. But is it an achievable goal?