Waste from used electrical and electronic equipment (e-waste or WEEE) is one of the fastest growing solid waste streams

Major Threats From E-Waste: Current Generation And Impacts

Angewandte Chemie 15/2011 – Be No Fool, Innovate!
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Wonderlab Comic — Fire Alarm
When the fire alarm rings in the Wonderlab – who is the first to safety and who is the cause?

Cotton: A New Material for Cr Absorption
Anion exchange with natural cotton fibers coated in ZrO2 surface film promising for Cr(VI) removal from water

Used Motor Oil Converted Into Fuel
New microwave method converts used motor oil Into fuel with excellent potential for commercial use

Electricity From River And Salty Ocean Water
Battery uses difference in salinity between fresh- and seawater to produce electricity - novel type of electrochemical system

The Forgotten Greenhouse Gas
Ionic liquids can be used to cut greenhouse gas emissions in an example of green chemistry

Removal of Strontium From Nuclear Waste
Removal of strontium from nuclear waste streams by desmid green algae

Kevlar-like Plastic from Pineapples and Bananas
Nano-cellulose fibers from plants may lead to stronger, lighter, and more sustainable materials to replace automotive plastics

Changes in Global Ocean Circulation
The freshwater content of the upper Arctic Ocean which has an impact on global ocean circulation has increased by about 20 % since the 1990s