Ionic liquids can be used to cut greenhouse gas emissions in an example of green chemistry
The Forgotten Greenhouse Gas
Removal of Strontium From Nuclear Waste
Removal of strontium from nuclear waste streams by desmid green algae
Kevlar-like Plastic from Pineapples and Bananas
Nano-cellulose fibers from plants may lead to stronger, lighter, and more sustainable materials to replace automotive plastics
Changes in Global Ocean Circulation
The freshwater content of the upper Arctic Ocean which has an impact on global ocean circulation has increased by about 20 % since the 1990s
Major Suppliers of Bio-based Plastics and Composites
First international business directory of major suppliers of bio-based plastics and composites, called iBIB2011
Recovering Lignin After Pretreatment
Biofuel production processes that separate cellulose from lignin could also generate lignin feedstock from their waste stream
Hydrogenases – Achievements and Expectations
Special issue of EurJIC looks at some of the recent advances and achievements in the field of hydrogenases research
Catalysis for New Energy Technologies
A current perspective on catalysis for new energy technologies
Fuel Cells Without Platinum
Replacing platinum in fuel cells with polymer coated nanotubes decreases cost but not power output
High Turnover H2 Production
Single-component photocatalyst shows 20-fold increase in H2 production over current alternatives