The capture of CO2 with amine-based solutions could be improved now the role of the gas-solution surface is understood

Surface Capture of CO2

Impact of Radiation on Wildlife Near Fukushima
First assessment of ecological impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster reveals wildlife was exposed to radiation 100 times safe levels

Angewandte Chemie 24/2011: Rapid Acquisition Yet High Quality
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Making Plastic From Coffee
Renewable starting materials based on quinic acid from coffee beans can be used to synthesize polycarbonates

Wonderlab Comic — Alcohol Lamp
It's Gin-Jo's birthday in the Wonderlab and Sophie has arranged a little surprise

20 New H2 Filling Stations in Germany
For the first time it will be possible to drive anywhere in Germany with a fuel-cell-powered vehicle

Hydrogen Peroxide Electrochemical Sensor
First fast and efficient electroanalytical method to be applied to a continuous, in situ detection of H2O2 in organic oxidation reactions

Angewandte Author Profiles June
José L. Alonso, Jin-Quan Yu, Guy Bertrand, and Kenichiro Itami, are interviewed this month

New Catalyst for Photodegradation of Pollutants
Non-conventional synthesis of series of titania/silica composites carried out in supercritical carbon dioxide

Angewandte Author Profiles May
Daniel J. Mindiola, Dieter Schlüter, Takashi Kato, Buxing Han and are interviewed this month