Study compared hand washing and machine washing of synthetic textiles

Hand-Washing Reduces Release of Microplastic Fibers

Angewandte 3/2023: Opportunities
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Necessary Investment Shifts on Europe’s Path to Net Zero Emission
Meta-analysis to obtain the required technology-level investment shifts for climate-relevant infrastructure until 2035

Angewandte Chemie 2/2023: Highly Valued
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Deuterated Solvents Can Improve the Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells
Impact of deuterated solvents on the thermal behavior, aggregated structures, and device performance of photovoltaic polymers studied

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Wood Is the Material of Tomorrow – Already Today
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Thermochemical Energy Storage (TCES)
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Cost-Effective Regeneration of Activated Carbon
Isolated Fe sites anchored on commercial powdered activated carbon enable fast H2O2 activation