Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte 6/2023: Inspiring Nature

First Bio Aerogel Company
The start-up aerogel-it developed a high-performance insulating material that is entirely of biological origin

Angewandte Chemie 5/2023: Clean Up
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Green Steel Plant in Finland
The Norwegian Blastr Green Steel is planning a green steel plant with an integrated hydrogen production facility

PlasCO2: Project to Transform CO2 Into a Raw Material
A project consortium consisting of four partners from industry and research: Evonik, LIKAT, INP, and Rafflenbeul Anlagenbau GmbH

Passive Sampler for Microplastics in Air
Flow-through sampler for locations with limited energy supply

Hazard is a Design Flaw
Pioneers of the concept of green chemistry, Paul Anastas and John C. Warner, on how the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry came about, why it is still so difficult to fulfill them, and why both are positive about the future

Bert Weckhuysen Awarded the Inaugural Chemistry Europe Award
Award ceremony at IUPAC|CHAINS2023 in The Hague, The Netherlands

Transformation of Plastic Waste to Naphtha
Low-density polyethylene converted over platinum-functionalized zeolite catalyst

Most Accessed Articles: December 2022
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals