European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launches the 'Classification and Labelling Inventory' of chemicals on the EU market

Largest Database of Self-classified Substances

Angewandte Chemie 8/2012: Hard and Soft
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Breaking the Nicotinamide Habit
Combining chromate reductase with Rh catalyst gives simple route to reduced conjugated C=C bonds without the need for nicotinamide cofactor

The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies
Top 10 most important technologies that will impact on the state of the world in the near future

Heterogeneous Catalysis Using MOFs
Incorporating highly active Pd nanoparticles in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) gives heterogeneous catalyst for Heck reactions

Alfred Oberholz (1952 – 2012)
Alfred Oberholz, former Chairman of DECHEMA and Member of the Board of Evonik AG, has passed away

Conversion of Hemicellulose
Conversion of hemicellulose to furfural through biphasic dehydration of xylose to furfural using an organic solvent

Africa's Renewable Energies Potential
Current energy consumption in Africa and potential of renewable energy sources and their cost efficiency and environmental sustainability

Angewandte Chemie 7/2012: Providing a Sense of Orientation
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Largest PEM Fuel Cell
Solvay has successfully commissioned the largest PEM fuel cell in the world at SolVin's Antwerp plant