High performance solar cell with an efficiency beyond 20 % – significant increase relative to conventional solar cell technologies
Novel Cell Designs for More Efficient Solar Cells
How Do Fuel Cells Work?
Fuel cells directly convert the energy of a chemical reaction between the fuel and an oxidant into electrical energy
Chemical Compounds for Energy Storage
Ferdi Schüth discusses different storage compounds and their advantages and compares drawbacks
Renewable Energies: Wind, Solar, Biomass
Renewables supplied over 16 % of global final energy consumption in 2010, and supply almost 20 % of global electricity
Photovoltaics Literature Survey
List of recently published journal articles most relevant to advances in the rapidly developing technology of photovoltaics
How Wind Turbines Work
The diameter of wind turbines rotors has doubled each decade, helping capture stronger winds at higher elevations
Wonderlab Comic — Solar Energy
Sophie explores the potential of solar energy to save the world and gets the recognition she deserves
Solar Cell Efficiency Tables
Six monthly listings of the highest confirmed efficiencies for a range of photovoltaic cell and module technologies
Biofuels from Developing Regions
Niches for the sustainable production and use of biofuels exist especially in developing countries
Angewandte Chemie 6/2012: High Capacity
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie