Holistic model provides guidelines for where to place biorefineries and what capacities to assign them to maximize profit

Game-theory Optimizes Biofuel Supply Chain

Poultry Feathers: Possible Health Risk
Feathers as previously unrecognized route for pharmaceuticals and personal care products to enter food chain

Europe-wide Network for Innovation in Chemical and Biotechnology Value Chain
European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) plans to evolve into Europe-wide network

Lessons for U.S. From EU’s REACH Program
Regulating industrial chemicals: Report suggests lessons for U.S. lawmakers from the European Union’s REACH program

Angewandte Chemie 16/2012: Activate!
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Selective Cellulose Conversion
A series of Ni-promoted W2C catalysts was prepared and evaluated for the catalytic conversion of cellulose into ethylene glycol

Bio Spin on Gas Separation
A supported bio-metal organic framework membrane could provide an effective system for separating methane from carbon dioxide

CO2 Sequestration with Amidophosphoranes
Amidophosphoranes containing four-membered rings react rapidly to capture of one and two equivalents of carbon dioxide, respectively

HgII-Selective Fluorescent Indicator
A simple fluorescent indicator that undergoes a new type of reaction only in the presence of Hg(II) developed

Happy Easter From ChemistryViews
ChemistryViews wishes all its readers a happy Easter and recommends some articles to get you in the Easter spirit