Water-soluble electrochemical catalyst based on a copper–bipyridine complex that can oxidize water to oxygen

Soluble Water-oxidation Electrocatalyst

Global Wind Energy Competence Center
Bayer MaterialScience to establish global wind energy competence center in Denmark pooling expertise in research and development

Angewandte Chemie 20/2012: A Trip through the World of Chemistry
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Global Emissions of Carbon Dioxide
Economic recovery brings return to growth of carbon dioxide emissions

New Concept: Luminescent Solar Cell
New solar cell breaks efficiency record

First-ever European Sustainability Report
European chemical industry is determined to play a key role in ensuring that by 2050 over 9 billion people live within the resources of our planet

Impacts of Wind Farms on Temperature
Large wind farms appear to affect local land surface temperatures, according to US scientists

New Organization: Global Solar Council
CEO-level industry coalition aiming to expand the global deployment of solar energy in a sustainable and cost-competitive way

Alcohol-Butadiene Hydrohydroxyalkylation
Direct redox-triggered carbon-carbon coupling sets stage for development of catalysts that exhibit enhanced stereoselectivities

Angewandte Chemie 19/2012: The Secret of Print
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie