Ionic liquids and polystyrene could be the key to fixing carbon dioxide in efforts to meet carbon emissions targets
CO2 Fixation by Ionic Liquids
Paulson New EPA Science Adviser
Glenn Paulson succeeds Paul Anastas as US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s science adviser
Angewandte Chemie 18/2012: No End in Sight
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Impact of Oil Palm Plantation Development
Continued expansion of industrial-scale oil palm plantations will become a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020
David Milstein Awarded
Professor David Milstein, Weizmann Institute of Science, has been awarded the 2012 Israel Prize in Chemistry and Physics
Most Accessed Articles: March 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for March 2012
Game-theory Optimizes Biofuel Supply Chain
Holistic model provides guidelines for where to place biorefineries and what capacities to assign them to maximize profit
Poultry Feathers: Possible Health Risk
Feathers as previously unrecognized route for pharmaceuticals and personal care products to enter food chain
Europe-wide Network for Innovation in Chemical and Biotechnology Value Chain
European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) plans to evolve into Europe-wide network
Lessons for U.S. From EU’s REACH Program
Regulating industrial chemicals: Report suggests lessons for U.S. lawmakers from the European Union’s REACH program