European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published statistics on the origin and types of REACH registration dossiers and registered substances
REACH Registration Statistics
Climate Change Shrinks Fish
Warming and reduced oxygen will reduce body size of marine fish
Superabsorbent Polymer For Oil Spill Treatment
A new cross-linked terpolymer with great oil absorbing capacity possesses applications in oil spill prevention
Angewandte Author Profiles September 2012
Mathias Christmann, Shu-Hong Yu, Masahiro Miura, and Chao-Jun Li were interviewed
Methyl Ricinoleate as Platform Chemical
Methyl ricinoleate can be used as a platform chemical for the synthesis of a variety of functional compounds of interest
Made out of Thin Air
Fixation of CO2 through iridium catalyzed hydrosilylation
The Smart Article
Fast and Easy access to compound information of latest research articles
Water and Its Sustainable Management in Latin America
Six Latin-American partners in an international project discuss what is going on in Latin America in terms of sustainable water management
Promising CH4 Storage Materials
Newly developed nanoporous carbon monoliths have superior advantages over traditional activated-carbon powder
Restructuring the Chemical Industry One Reaction at a Time
With pressure on oil, industrious chemists are seeking alternative routes to the feedstocks that can be transformed into useful products