How Will Global Climate Change Influence the Way We Assess and Manage Chemicals in the Environment?
Influence of Climate Change on Chemicals
Inspired by a Breakwater
Highly efficient electrocatalyst for the reduction of oxygen in fuel cells and batteries
ECHA Increases Transparency
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) starts to publish comments during Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH) public consultations
Simultaneous Production of Methanol and Ethylene Glycol
Readily available Ru catalyst can be used for production of methanol and ethylene glycol from ethylene carbonate, formed from carbon dioxide and ethylene oxide
Sensitive and Selective Mercury Detection
Zinc(II) porphyrin–octadeoxythymidine is a highly sensitive and selective fluorescence and absorption sensor for mercury ions in water
Dipeptide Ligands for Hydrogen-Production Catalysts
A peptide-based outer-coordination sphere of hydrogenases increases efficiency for hydrogen production
Mordecai Rubin (1926 – 2012)
Mordecai Rubin, one of the founding fathers of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Technion, Israel, has passed away
Shale Oil Worldwide
US and Canada seem to remain the main countries to take economic advantage of shale development for some time
Angewandte Chemie 50/2012: Adventures in Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Improved Water Splitting Photocatalyst
Modifying the photocatalytic semiconductor tantalum nitride with an alkaline metal salt boosts efficiency in splitting water