New EU project, ValuefromUrine, develops a treatment method to recover ammonia and phosphate from urine

Recover Nutrients from Urine

Picture Competition – A Year in the Lab: The Chemist’s View
Submit your outstanding photo and have the chance to be selected for a calendar and win one of 12 exciting prizes

9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE)
Europe’s largest science and business congress on Chemical Engineering and Applied Biotechnology was held in Den Haag

Green Oxidations on Graphene
Graphene as an aerobic oxidation carbocatalyst derived from natural resources

Most Accessed Articles: March 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for March 2013

Student Mobility Awards Presented
Five young chemical engineers have been granted a Student Mobility Award from the European Federation of Chemical Engineering

Solar-Driven Water-Splitting
Ta3N5 has been found to act as a photocatalyst for water oxidation under visible light

From Brimstone to Feedstock
The elemental sulfur byproduct of petroleum desulfurization could be a new feedstock material for copolymers in lithium-sulfur batteries

More Power for US Industry
Discussion on new bill bringing changes to the Science Advisory Board (SAB) of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Salted Catalysts for Chemical Energy Storage
Basic alkali–metal salts improve a catalyst for steam reforming of methanol