Make your predictions for the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013

Working Together
Cocultures of microalgae and cyanobacteria show higher biomass production for biofuel than their monocultures

Advanced Materials Editor Peter Gregory Awarded Two Chinese Professorships
Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Materials and Wiley Vice President & Publishing Director, has been awarded two honorary professorships

Separate but Together
Core/shell photocatalyst with spatially separated cocatalysts for more efficient water splitting

How Can Change Be Achieved? Energy Saving in Cambridge
Jeremy K. M. Sanders describes the challenges of reducing the energy consumption of a historic university and the measures that have been taken so far

New Refrigerant Fluorinated Gas 1234yf
Arkema to construct production plant for refrigerant gas

Potential of Straw as Renewable Fuel Feedstock
Neste Oil and Raisioagro to research the potential of straw as a renewable fuel feedstock

Winner of the Jokes Competition 2013
The favorite joke of ChemistryViews readers is ...

Chemistry is Cool! Photocompetition closed
Romanian Young Chemists Group invites you to participate at the first edition of “FOTOCHIMICA” Competition of Photography

Turning on Ammonia Detection
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) demonstate selective ammonia sensing at high temperatures