The OECD will review its chemical hazard assessment programme to provide a more specialized service for member countries

OECD’s Cooperative Chemicals Assessment Programme (CoCAP)

Building Blocks to Sustainable Synthesis
Efficient one-pot procedure for the synthesis of homosubstituted imidazolium compounds on the basis of renewable precursors

Emission Scenario Document on Wood Preservatives
The OECD has published a revision of the 2003 document to estimate the emissions of substances used in wood preservatives

Hydrogen Evolution from Water
A detailed mechanism of hydrogen production by reduction of water with decamethyltitanocene triflate has been derived

2013 KCS–Wiley Young Chemist Awards
Y. Jung, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and S. Park, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology were awarded

Power from the Sea?
Triboelectric nanogenerator extracts energy from ocean waves

Electric Storage System
A simple two-step method to synthesize one-dimensional V2O5 nanofibers (VNFs) for pseudocapacitor applications

Most Accessed Articles: September 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals for September 2013

High-Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells
Amino-Functionalized conjugated metallopolyxmer developed as a cathode interlayer for inverted polymer solar cells

2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Announcements
Live announcement of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry from Wednesday 9 October