Jo's lessons in analytical techniques continue with a lesson in thin layer chromatography
Wonderlab Comic – Thin Layer Chromatography
Engineering Phenol from Glucose
Sustainable production of phenol from glucose by metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli
Molecular Dockers Move Microscopic Cargoes
A cargo transport system that works at the microscopic level and triggered by light has been devised and constructed
Learning a New Language: Moving Countries and Changing Subjects
Wilhelm T. S. Huck discusses what change means for scientists and how his research has evolved to the study of small water droplets
Certification of Renewable Resources
Possibilities of a certification for sustainability in the field of material use of biomass discussed at event in Berlin
Scientists (of the World) Behave!
Katharina Al-Shamery discusses ethics with regards to scientific publishing
OECD’s Cooperative Chemicals Assessment Programme (CoCAP)
The OECD will review its chemical hazard assessment programme to provide a more specialized service for member countries
Building Blocks to Sustainable Synthesis
Efficient one-pot procedure for the synthesis of homosubstituted imidazolium compounds on the basis of renewable precursors
Emission Scenario Document on Wood Preservatives
The OECD has published a revision of the 2003 document to estimate the emissions of substances used in wood preservatives
Hydrogen Evolution from Water
A detailed mechanism of hydrogen production by reduction of water with decamethyltitanocene triflate has been derived