Heat-triggered destruction of electronic devices that can dissolve on demand

Self-Destructing Electronics

Angewandte Chemie 22/2015: Graphene Power
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

The Art of Chemistry (9)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal

An Oxygen Boost for Energetic Salts
Energetics with a favorable oxygen balance based on furazan-functionalized tetrazoles

Ruthenium-Based Water Oxidation Catalyst
Non-innocent ligand frameworks for promoting multi-electron reactions

The Art of Chemistry (8)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal

Emanuel Merck Lectureship Awarded to Paul T. Anastas
"Father of green chemistry" honored

Sustainable Chemistry for Energizing the Planet
Multidisciplinary collaboration will be central for the transition to sustainable energy

Chemistry and the Max Planck Society
A stable bond resonating into the future

The Future of Lighting
New challenges to materials research due to the second semiconductor revolution