Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Guess the Chemist (43)

The Art of Chemistry (16)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal

Bio-Based LEGO Bricks
LEGO Group invests EUR 130 million to boost search for sustainable materials

Nobel Laureates Call For Climate Protection
36 Nobel Laureates presented a joint declaration discussing the threat of climate change (Mainau Declaration 2015)

2014 Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley and Wiley-VCH in the 2014 Journal Citation Reports

Tracking Phosphorus Sources
Isotopic signatures give clues to the sources of phosphorus contamination in water supplies

The Silver Lining of Dihydrogen Activation
Silver fluorides and alkoxides undergo hydrogenolysis to form hydride-bridged disilver cations

Not Safe for Storage
Ettringite immobilizes toxic and radioactive species in cement, but releases them again with a little heat

The Art of Chemistry (15)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal

Porous Materials and the Age of Gas
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) as ideal vessels for gas handling