We are pleased to announce the answers to last week's quiz

What Really Happened 2000 Days Ago

Alternatives to Animal Testing
ECHA to require registrants to consider alternatives when submitting proposals to test on animals

What Happened 2000 Days Ago?
Guess what happened and have the chance to win a book

75th Birthday: Jürgen O. Metzger
Sustainable chemistry proponent celebrates his 75th birthday

Photovoltaics Respond to a Solar Eclipse
Influence of photovoltaic power disruption on the electrical energy grid in response to the 2015 solar eclipse

Working for the JCF – The Young Chemists’ Forum of the German Chemical Society
Members of the national board about the work and aims of the JCF and their personal motivations

Solar Control Coatings for Reduced Energy Consumption
Solar control coatings (SCCs) on glass windows of buildings decrease energy consumption by changing their optical properties

Guess the Chemist (47)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Transient Electronics
Controlling lifetimes of electronic devices with sucrose/poly(vinyl alcohol) films and colloidal electronic components

Angewandte Chemie 45/2015: High Impact
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie