Micromotor device cleans up wastewater pollutants by using them for fuel
Tiny Tubes Do Speedy Cleanup
Microalgae – Underestimated All-Rounders
Microalgae have substantially higher biomass productivity compared to terrestrial plants
A Better Anode for Na Ion Batteries
SnSe/RGO exhibits promising capacity and stability as a potential anode material for sodium ion batteries
First Study of Microplastics in Rivers
Rhine among the most microplastics polluted rivers
Vertical Farming
Research project aims to enable multi-level cultivation of plants in large cities
Nickel Complexes for Reversible Carbon Capture
Azacryptand complex enables fast and selective carbon dioxide binding from air
Cultured Cells as Alternative to Animal Testing
BASF and Sumitomo Chemicals collaborate to establish fully functional cultured cells as alternative to animal testing
European Chemical Industry Supports COP21
European chemical industry congratulates governments on conclusion of climate change agreement
Willingness to Register
13 % of inspected companies have missed some of their REACH registration duties
Tougher REACH Needed
Much more effort is needed to move towards a safer production and use of chemicals, concludes EEB report