Paper industry waste product improves properties of polymer materials

Sustainable Lignin Copolymers

Reliable Information on Nanomaterials
ECHA launches website that gives citizens, workers, regulators, and scientists information on nanomaterials on the EU market

Efficient Steam Generation with Sunlight
Carbon nanotube-modified flexible wood membrane as a low-cost, flexible, solar steam generation device

2016 Impact Factors of ACES Journals
Newest Journal Citation Report results for the journals published by the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES)

2016 Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
Newest Journal Citation Report results for the journals published by ChemPubSoc Europe and their sister journals

Photopower for Microlabs
Solar-light-driven fully integrated microfluidic device

High Biofuel Blends in Aviation
Large-scale test of biofuels as well as blends of biofuels and kerosene in a real engine

Nanoflakes Catalyze Nitrogen Monoxide Decomposition
Si-based nanocomposite as photocatalyst

Fuel From CO2
Demo plant produces renewable fuel from carbon dioxide captured from the air

Batteries from Scrap Metal
Direct conversion of rusty steel into stable, low-cost electrodes for potassium-ion batteries