Perfluorohexane Sulfonic Acid (PFHxS) added to the Candidate List and several entries updated

Updated EU List of Substances of Concern

Chemist Photo Quiz 3
Guess who is pictured and have the chance to win amazing prizes

Studying Methanol Conversion with NMR
Investigation of the first carbon-carbon bond formation step in the methanol-to-hydrocarbons reaction

Guess the Character (3)
Can you guess the character from the description?

Frontrunner in Fuel Sustainability
Inspiring manager Sari Mannonen is responsible for the innovative, wood-based renewable diesel UPM BioVerno

Guess the Chemist (67)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Summer Reading 2017
Editors recommend entertaining science-related books for your summer break

Chemist Photo Quiz 2
Guess who is pictured and have the chance to win amazing prizes

Summer Reading Sweepstakes
Send us your book recommendations and win books and power banks

Chemist Photo Quiz – Answer 1
Solution: Who is on the first picture