All-inorganic compound consisting of a Zn(II) ion, pentazole anions, and water

Carbon-Free Complex as a New Energetic Material

Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge
Chemical process safety has become a widespread, international concern and receives high attention within the chemical industry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 – Voting Results 29 September
Latest results of the predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Global Sand Crisis
Researchers warn of sand scarcity and ecological consequences of resource overexploitation

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 – Voting Results 22 September
Latest results of the predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Pd–Mo Catalyst Turns Bio-Oil into Alkanes
Efficient hydrodeoxygenation with high yields

Cleaning Up Mercury Waste
Cheap mercury sorbents made from recycled cooking oils and sulfur

Silver-Catalyzed CO2 Electroreduction
Carbon dioxide electroreduction over defect-rich plasma-activated silver catalysts

Sustainable Chemistry Award for Konrad Hungerbühler
Swiss researcher receives Wöhler Prize for Sustainable Chemistry

Hybrid Membrane for Desalination
NaCl and dye rejection by a hybrid graphene oxide/graphene membrane